Consientes de la importancia de producir conocimiento, los científicos de la Fundación Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo han realizado numerosas contribuciones, con el apoyo de recursos de Biosonda S.A., fondos concursables estatales (FONDECYT, CORFO) y privados (Fundación COPEC-Pontificia Universidad Católica) y gracias a la generosa colaboración de numerosos investigadores pertenecientes a prestigiosos Centros de Educación Superior.
Sobre la estructura y efecto inmnomodulador de hemocianinas provenientes de dos especies de moluscos litorales chilenos: Concholepas concholepas (Loco) y Fissurella latimarginata (Lapa negra)
Monoclonal antibodies to molluskan hemocyanin from Concholepas concholepas demonstrate common and specific epitopes among subunits.
Oliva H, Moltedo B, De Ioannes P, Faunes F, De Ioannes AE,Becker MI.
Hybrid Hybridomics. 2002. 21: 365-374.
Hemocyanin of the molluscan Concholepas concholepas exhibits an nusual heterodecameric array of subunits
De Ioannes P, Moltedo B, Oliva H, Pacheco R, Faunes F, De Ioannes AE,Becker MI.
J Biol Chem 2004. 279: 26134-26142.
DOI: 1074/jbc.M400903200
Surface enhanced Raman spectrum of nanometric molecular systems
Leyton P, Lizama-vergara PA, Campos-Vallette MM, Becker MI, Clavijo E, Córdova Reyes I, Vera M, Jerez C. J Chil Chem
Soc. 2005. 50: 725-720
Immunotherapeutic effect of Concholepas hemocyanin in the murine bladder cancer model: evidence for conserved antitumor properties among hemocyanins.
Moltedo B, Faunes F, Haussmann D, De Ioannes P, De Ioannes AE, Puente J,Becker MI.
J Urol. 2006 176: 2690-2695.
DOI: 10.1016/j.juro.2006.07.136
*Comentado por A. Atala, Editor Journal of Urology, vol. 176, pág. 2335, 2006.
Immunodominant role of CCHA subunit of Concholepas hemocyanin is associated with unique biochemical properties.
Becker MI, Fuentes A, Del Campo M, Manubens A, Nova E, Oliva H, Faunes F, Valenzuela MA, Campos-Vallette M, Aliaga A, Ferreira J, De Ioannes AE, De Ioannes P, Moltedo B.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2009. 9: 330-339.
Concholepas hemocyanin biosynthesis takes place in the hepatopancreas, with hemocytes being involved in its metabolism.
Manubens A, Salazar F, Haussmann D, Figueroa J, Del Campo M, Pinto JM, Huaquín L, Venegas A,Becker MI.
Cell Tissue Res. 2010. 342:423-435.
Hemocyanins as immunostimulants.
Del Campo M, Arancibia S, Nova E, Salazar F, González A, Moltedo B, De Ioannes P, Ferreira J, Manubens A,Becker MI.
Rev Med Chil. 2011. 139: 236-246. Review
Enhanced structural stability of Concholepas hemocyanin increases its immunogenicity and maintains its non-specific immunostimulatory effects.
Arancibia S, Del Campo M, Nova E, Salazar F,Becker MI. Eur J Immunol.
2012. 42: 688-699.
*Portada volumen de Marzo 2012
Tumour cell lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccine induces biochemical and memory immune response in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients
Reyes D, Salazar L, Espinoza E, Pereda C, Castellón E, Valdevenito R, Huidobro C, Becker MI, Lladser A, López MN,Salazar-Onfray F.
Br J Cancer. 2013. 109: 1488-1497.
DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2013.494
A novel immunomodulatory hemocyanin from the limpet Fissurella latimarginata promotes potent anti-tumor activity in melanoma.
Arancibia S, Espinoza C, Salazar F, Del Campo M, Tampe R, Zhong TY, De Ioannes P, Moltedo B, Ferreira J, Lavelle EC, Manubens A, De Ioannes AE,Becker MI.
PLoS One. 2014. Jan 23;9(1): e87240.
Hemocyanins stimulate innate immunity by inducing different temporal patterns of proinflammatory cytokine expression in macrophages.
Zhong TY, Arancibia S, Born R, Tampe R, Villar J, Del Campo M, Manubens A,Becker MI. J Immunol.
2016. 196: 4650-4662.
Molluskan hemocyanins activate the classical pathway of the human complement system through natural antibodies.
Pizarro-Bauerle J, Maldonado I, Sosoniuk-Roche E, Vallejos G, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Aguilar-Guzmán L, Valck C, Ferreira1 A, Becker MI. Front. Immunol.
2017. 8: 188.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00188
Immunomodulatory properties of Concholepas concholepas hemocyanin against francisellosis in a zebrafish model
Lagos L, Tandberg JI, Becker MI, Winther-Larsen HC. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2017.06.046
The oxygen-binding properties of hemocyanin from the mollusk Concholepas concholepas
González A, Nova E, Del Campo M, Manubens M, De Ioannes AE, Ferreira J, Becker MI.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2017.08.017
*En prensa
Sobre el uso hemocinina de Concholepas concholepas como carrier para producir anticuerpos.
Development of monoclonal antibodies to gizzerosine, a toxic component present in fish meal.
Becker MI, Carrasco I, Beltran C, Torres M, Jaureguiberry B, De Ioannes AE.
Hybridoma. 1998. 17: 373-381.
Procedure for radiolabeling gizzerosine and basis for a radioimmunoassay.
Torres M, Manosalva H, Carrasco I, De Ioannes AE,Becker MI.
J Agric Food Chem. 1999. 47: 4231-4236.
PMID: 10552794
Immunopurification of Golgi vesicles by magnetic sorting.
Mura CV,Becker MI, Orellana A, Wolff D.
J Immunol Methods. 2002. 260:263-271.
PMID: 11792394
Development of monoclonal antibodies bearing the internal image of the gizzerosine epitope and application in a competitive ELISA for fish meal.
Manosalva H, De Ioannes AE,Becker MI.
Hybrid Hybridomics. 2004. 23:45-54.
Sobre el uso de la hemocianina de Concholepas concholepas como antígeno experimental
Females of the communally breeding rodent, Octodon degus, transfer antibodies to their offspring during pregnancy and lactation.
Becker MI, De Ioannes AE, León C, Ebensperger LA.
J Reprod Immunol. 2007. 74: 68-77.
Cutting edge: stealth influenza virus replication precedes the initiation of adaptive immunity.
Moltedo B, López CB, Pazos M,Becker MI, Hermesh T, Moran TM.
J Immunol. 2009 .183: 3569-3573.
Immunocompetence of breeding females is sensitive to cortisol levels but not to communal rearing in the degu (Octodon degus).
Ebensperger LA, León C, Ramírez-Estrada J, Abades S, Hayes LD, Nova E, Salazar F, Bhattacharjee J,Becker MI.
Physiol Behav. 2015.140:61-70.
Determination of the toxic variability of lipophilic biotoxins in marine bivalve and gastropod tissues treated with an industrial canning process.
García C, Oyaneder-Terrazas J, Contreras C,Del Campo M, Torres R, Contreras HR.
Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2016. 33:1711-1727.
Copper oxide nanoparticles recruit macrophages and modulate nitric oxide, proinflammatory cytokines and PGE2 production through arginase activation.
Arancibia S, Barrientos A, Torrejón J, Escobar A, Beltrán CJ.
Nanomedicine (Lond). 2016. 11: 1237-1251.
DOI: 10.2217/nnm.16.39
Oxidative modifications in crystallin proteins and lens epithelial cells associated with photosensitized reactions mediated by the major chromophore arising from glucose degradation
Vargas F, Becker MI, Friguet B, Silva E, Ávila F. J Braz Chem
Soc. 2016. 27: 411-422.
Sublethal doses of dinophysistoxin-1 and okadaic acid stimulate secretion of inflammatory factors on innate immune cells: Negative health consequences
Del Campo M, Zhong TY, Tampe R, García L, Lagos N.
Toxicon. 2017. 126: 23-31.
Arancibia S, Salazar F, Becker MI. Hemocyanins in the immunotherapy of superficial bladder cancer.
In: Canda A, editor. Bladder Cancer – From Basic to Robotic Surgery. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech (2012). p. 221–242.
DOI: 10.5772/28281
Becker MI, Arancibia S, Salazar F, Del Campo M, De Ioannes A. Mollusk hemocyanins as natural immunostimulants in biomedical applications.
In: DucGHT, editor. Immune Response Activation. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech (2014). p. 45–72.
DOI: 10.5772/57552